Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Defeating the Dark Side of the Force

Many people do not think that Steve and I will be able to wait until Peanut is born to find out if he is a boy or a girl because my "surprise record" in the past hasn't been so great...

I look in the closet for the Xmas presents...still...

I check the mail for birthday present clues....

I sneak a bite of the Turkey before the Thanksgiving Grace....

I eat dessert first..........

I tell people our baby names........


I'm naughty.

But not this time!

This is WAY too important to me!

I can't wait to hear the doctor say "It's a BOY! or It's a GIRL!"

I don't want to miss that moment!!

So bring on the judgement and bets people!

I know you can't "Resist the Power of the Dark Side" by betting against me.

That's why it is going to be so awesome when, I, like L. Skywalker....


Que Evil Laugh:


Exhibit A: Email from my co-worker

Do you think my co-worker who bet against me is getting nervous about losing his bet?

I'm thinking he is..........heheheheeee


Too Bad.

You aren’t finding out the gender of the baby or you would have time to make cute onesies like this if it’s a boy.  Just saying…


P.S. If you clicked on the link for L. Skywalker and didn't already know who that was....

You make me sad.

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