Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Concert Baby

Peanut is already a avid concert attender.

On June 8th, he got to hear The Shins play at the Cleveland Masonic Auditorium and last night Florence + The Machine at Nautica.

It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Florence can certainly put on a show. She gets the crowd involved, makes jokes and dances like crazy all over the stage. Not to mention her voice is AMAZE-balls!

Alas, no dancing yet for Peanut, but as his ears are developing this week....it should only be a matter of time. :)

Here we are with "Auntie" Amanda and "Auntie" Shannon:

Yeah Florence!

"And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off!"

This kid has good taste.

Plain Dealer Concert Review:


Monday, July 30, 2012

You know you're pregnant when...

You close your eyes and see brownies.    
And I wasn't even thinking about food...

You sob hysterically during a romantic ROM COM scene and then re-watch it 4 more times.
"Friends with Kids"=good movie. But, un-pregnant people probably won't cry at all...

You have an extremely vivid dream that you and your husband are Cops and you are investigating the death of Sylvester Stallone.
Apparently Sharon Stone killed him. Also noteworthy: Steve's the good cop. I slam Sharon against the wall to gather her confession. Look out Sharon! Lieutenant Bad-Ass is on the case!

You start having an almost un-controllable desire to snatch food off of other people's plates
"Steve you didn't want those fries right?" Whoops too late.

You break down and buy these pants:

Then, you start wondering how you could finagle a way to wear them again on a Post-Pregnancy "fat" day....

Like is Thanksgiving ok?


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Only 5 1/2 months left to go...

Sooo Freakin Excited to meet Peanut!!!

And these kids are why.

Sometimes I sort of feel like doing this in a restaurant:

This kid has excellent taste in music. Turn up the Florence Mom!

Good to know.

AWWW my husband Steve will be such a great Daddy!! Here he is helping our friend Dana's daughter Caroline make cupcakes:

Our niece Mady and our friends Matt & Kristen's son Jude Dancing. Super cute!


*Note to self: Get a better phone with good quality video!

Only 5 1/2 months left to go...ugh. :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July Appointment & "Pelvic Thrusting"

Today was our July monthly checkup. Peanut is doing well. His heartbeat was 158. It was a pretty quick appointment. My blood pressure was normal and my weight gain of 2 lbs was "right on track" per my Doc. No Ultrasound today, but we did get to hear Peanut's heartbeat which was awesome.

We are going to schedule the super awesome Anatomy Ultrasound 4 weeks from now. That should be a good time.

However due to some surprising events we did get to see Peanut last Friday night:

Last Friday night I had some abdominal pain and headed to the ER on my OB GYN's instructions.

After lots of testing and shenanigans and watching a bit of National Treasure starring my favorite actor Nicholas Cage (NOT! But I can't help myself from watching Con Air every time it is on TV...why? lol), and spending 5 hours at St. John Westshore I headed home. I was diagnosed with a mild infection and the Doc treated it with medicine that has been working.

We were just relived that Peanut was safe & sound. But, going to the ER SOOOOKS!

The bonus part about the ER Trip was that we got to see Peanut on the Ultrasound swimming around and looking at us. My Mom works at the hospital so Nana got to see her grandson or granddaughter for the first time. That was pretty awesome.

The Doctor also told me that I should be on "Pelvic Rest" for the next few days. This resulted in many jokes from my good buddies and a lot of  "Time Warp" references. lol

After seeing my regular OBGYN today she said the Pelvic Rest is no longer necessary so I am excited to resume "Pelvic Thrusting" via "The Time Warp":

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
Put your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the Pelvic Thrust
That really drives you insane!
Let's do the time-warp again!
Let's do the time-warp again!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Say My Name!

Naming your child can cause a lot of ANXIETY.

Automatic Elimination of a name off your list:

You knew someone who was a jerk with the same name
Your friend's already named their kid that name
You have a good friend with the same name
A celebrity was recently arrested for some crazy shenanigans with the same name


This crap is hard!

But, I'm going to share with you what we have on the pipeline. I get it that most people choose not to because they don't want other people to "judge" their choice or give them unsolicited feedback. However we won't change our minds simply if Cousin Fannie says "I hate that name." "Suck it Cousin Fannie! I like it!"

Here is what we are trying to accomplish:

1. A unique name. Something that isn't too trendy or weird but something you don't hear every day.
I loved my name growing up. There weren't any other Krista's running around the playground. And, I have only ever met 2 other Krista's in my entire life. However, I researched it and during the 1980s Krista was in the top 25 most popular names. So my theory is to try to stay out of the top 15-20 U.S. names to accomplish this.

2. Going with the above...something that isn't in the top 25 most popular names.
All of the names I have liked since my teens are all SUPER popular now: Sophie (#1 girl name in most countries actually), Chloe (#3) Noah (#2), Aiden (#1), Lucas (#12). Having a lot of bad luck here.

3. Something regal or fancy sounding.
I want our child's name to have some confidence and elegance to it. Mostly because I'm obsessed with European Royal History. But, fun fact there isn't a lot to choose from because those royals recycled names better than a Vegan on Earthday. Something like Victoria (can't use have a friend with that name),  Charlotte (Steve shot down plus is #2 most popular girl's name right now) or Sebastian (Steve also shot down. Boo Steve!).

4. A Name with a GREAT Nickname!
Bonus but not 100% necessary: We'd love to pick a name that is long enough to have a great nickname. I have nicknamed everyone around me my whole life and rarely has anyone EVER tried to shorten Krista...which sucks. I love nicknames. Example: my child already has one: Peanut. :)

Here's our current name list:

Boys Names (we both like the following): 

Rhys (pronounced Reece)

Neither one has fantastic nickname opportunities so we so have our eyes open for an alternative, but we are happy with the above choices.

Girls names (as stated have been much harder)

Kaylee, we both like this name but I am not 100% sold on it.

Juliette, Steve has shot this down but I am still holding out he might change his mind. Especially since his only reason for shooting this down is because of Juliette Lewis...Um OK.....

Is this why Steve? She knows these corn rows were a mistake....

But, I bet she didn't care...note the Brad Pitt on her arm...

Lisette My new discovery! It is a very old French name and we could nickname her Lissie...so cute. But, alas, Steve has also shot this one down...for the time being.......

The struggle continues.

In the meantime..to ease my pain....some throwback Destiny's Child!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Symptoms Schymptoms

Current Preggers Symptoms:

1.  24/7 Queasy-ness

I thought this might be over this week but I'm still getting surprised with the occasional queasy hits. The best way I can describe it is like this

"If I was a cartoon character, my face would be green"

Or it would look like Zis:

2.  Extreme Vampire FATIGUE

I feel like I was attacked and drained by a Vampire. The scary "I feel like I might not make it through this" kind like on True Blood, not the "Kristen Stewart weird screaming like she had a bad burrito in Twilight"  kind. It makes you feel completely incapacitated. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks because I get winded from going up 4 stairs and I've been falling asleep every night at about 7pm. Last night my sister criticized me for leaning my chin on my hand at dinner and I told her to "Go to sleep!" Peanut Translation: "Aunt Bitty shut up so I can go to sleep!"

3. Headaches

Getting at least one late afternoon every day. Boo!

4. Breakout!

Am I going through puberty again? Nope that's just the pregnancy hormones wreaking havoc on my face! Crap.

5. Loss of Balance.

I'll just be walking along and then...Wha-Oh!

6. Pregnancy Brain

I'll be in the middle of a sentence and.........

What was I saying? ;)

Of course all of this is a small price to pay to welcome a beautiful healthy Peanut into our lives. But damn kid, can you lay off Mom a bit? :) JK

Friday, July 6, 2012

These Tricks are for kids?

One of the things I am most looking forward to about our impending Peanut is all the fun kid things we are going to get to do without people wondering "Why is that 29 year old woman alone giggling on the Carousel? Is she off her meds?"  :)

Some of the top things I can't wait for:

4. Disney World

I haven't been there since I was 12. This time, I get to go back and hit up the German Village for a brewsky at Epcot. Take that under-age Krista! Plus, I am now un-afraid to ride Space Mountain. Fear. Conquered.

3. Cedar Point

I have to admit I am very curious about spending time here in the little kiddie section. Those baby bumper boats look like tons of fun. And the little pumpkins bouncing around Snoopy is going to be so damn adorable I might keel over in delight. ;)

2. Toys R Us and The Disney Store

I can't tell you how much I enjoy heading to these places to buy a gift when my nieces or a friend of ours' little one has a birthday. Now, I could go in there all the time without a defined reason. "Oh Yeah today I am just looking..." Bruuuhahahahaaaaaaaa! I wonder if Peanut will mind that everytime he gets a toy, Mommy gets one too? ;) "Yes I would like 2 Ninja Destroyers please".

1. Kid Shows & Movies!!

Steve and I are both obsessed with 80s cartoons, Disney Movies and shows from our childhood because they are amazing! Sorry Dora the Explorer, but you got nothing on Strawberry Shortcake!  We already have a large stock of DVDs and Videos we have been collecting over the years so we can watch them with our children.

Plus there are some things that kids find hilarious that some (lame) adults no longer do.

Except my sister, Brittney and I....

Our sense of humor is much more refined:


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Things that go BUMP in the night

The Setting

Time: 3:00am

Location: Cleveland, OH my snuggly warm bed

Peanut: "Mom I'm hungry, can I have a muffin?"

Me: "No my little Peanut. Please go back to sleep."

Peanut: "Mom I'm really hungry..."

Me: "No Mom has to work tomorrow. Go back to sleep"

Peanut: "Mom Mom MOM MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Me: "WHAT??"

Peanut: "I"M HUNGRY!!!"

Me: "NO PEANUT! You aren't supposed to eat muffins at....OH GOD..UM 3:30am!"


Time 4:00am

Location: My kitchen.....eating a DAMN muffin.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Eggo is Preggo!

Little Peanut (pictured above) was definitely a surprise! Steve and I had a plan in place to start trying for a lil pumpkin pie next year after he had begun his internship, but alas fate had other plans in store for us.

I think the biggest emotion we are feeling right now is pure excitement. Which is weird for me to say because when I thought this might happen I figured my practical "plan everything out" self would be all over the place with panic, worry and fear. Don't get me wrong, there is a bit of that going on....but surprisingly it isn't the biggest emotion I've been feeling. Which is unnerving, but kind of awesome. I feel the phrase "meant to be" should be applied here. And, if you know me well....I never say crap like that. lol ;)

We feel so blessed and can't wait to meet our Peanut. I can't wait to see my husband play with his child or watch my Mom try to continuously try to steal the baby from other's people's arms because she says "he is hers" (or she... but for easy schmesay's sake will be referring to the baby as 'he' from now on in the blog). I can't wait to see my nieces play with their new little cousin.

Watching how this little nugget is going to affect everyone's lives is going to be pretty amaAHzing!!!

Welcome to my tummy Little Peanut. Mommy loves you already, more than you know. :)