Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to legally hypnotize your baby

I'm convinced that this video is 100% bonda-fide Baby Crack and has the power to hypnotize all babies!!
A friend of mine told me that no matter how fussy his daughter gets (who is 4 months older than JP) if he plays this video for her she calms right down immediately.
Say WHAT?!
I have to admit I was a bit skeptical...
But I thought "What the hey? Juliet has been a bit fussy this's worth a shot..."

And sure enough....

It worked like a freakin charm!

I couldn't believe it!

When have YOU EVER seen a 7 month old sit and stare at something for almost 3 whole minutes! It's insane!!!

The proof is in the 265 MILLION views it has on You Tube and if that doesn't convince you of this video's mysterious power, below is a video of JP watching it:

Seriously. Try this on your baby. Enjoy the delightful effects.

But, be careful....the SCI-FI nerd in me is a bit worried that the video has government subliminal messaging in it.

You never know...

If we aren't careful we could have a "River Situation" on our in Firefly & Serenity...

Duhhhh Daaaaaaaaaaaaa Duhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Walk like a JP!

So...there is no lack of content this week!!! Jeez!
We thought it was a big deal when JP pulled herself up in her crib last night.
Here she is showing off at Grandma's like usual! LOL


Bat Dad!!!!!!!!!!

 Are you ready for the funniest Vine videos you've ever seen??'s "Bat Dad" a father of four fighting crime, the bus & protecting loved ones from artificial sweeteners. LMAO!!
Below are my favorites. Click top left for sound.

"Tables are for Glasses, not asses!!!"



Guess who can pull herself up?
Time to lower the crib.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to get hit on while pregnant! LOL!!!

These videos are hilarious and SO TRUE!!!
So sad I didn't try this while I was preggers with Babu! But it's a go with Baby #2!
hehehe I rhymed.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Under the SEA!!!

Here are the pictures from Juliet's 6 month photo shoot by Bella Mi Photography!
We shot these at Rocky River Park in Rocky River, Ohio. Our little mermaid was a great sport during the shoot. I'm thinking it was because she had as much delicious sand as she could ever eat... A.K.A it was REALLY hard to get her to quit eating the dang sand...
But anyschways...
My favorite Disney movie ever is The Little Mermaid so we thought it was only fitting to grab our own little mermaid, pack up Flounder & Sebastian and head to the beach!

Our awesome friend Kristin from The Crafty Giant made her mermaid outfit with a pattern by Boutique7one7 . Didn't it turn out amazing??

I'm told these mermaid shots will be extremely appreciated by JP when I play them in her high school graduation slide show...... ;) heheheeeeeee lol

 My Gorgeous Girl!!!


Monday, September 9, 2013


"Because I WIN!"
I kid. I kid.
But seriously....
Guess who just said her first word? :)
Now...can you guess what it schwas?

Friday, September 6, 2013

The 7 Month Itch

JP turned 7 months in August!
I've been a bit delayed on the blog as our life has been pretty crazy while we have been remodeling the kitchen and getting ready for Aunt Bitty's wedding at the end of the month...
A blog post on the kitchen remodel is coming soon but in the is a preview (sort of):
Our girl is getting sooooo big!
Here are her 7 month shots:


 (BTW I wish I could figure out how to insert pictures into my blog properly. If anyone has any guidance on layouts, please leave it in the comments. :) )
She has been going through some exciting changes lately:
We've greatly expanded her diet to include exciting treats like hummus, cornbread and carrots spiced with ginger & cinnamon and homemade applesauce! And, of course, our little foodie gobbles it all up with a smile. ;) 
She is almost waiving. Which we keep trying to catch on video. It's tough.
She has pulled herself from sitting to standing a few times...also catching this on video has currently eluded us.
AND...We are pretty positive she is working hard on her first tooth this week. There is a mysterious bump in her gums and she has been a bit uncomfortable lately, poor baby.
She's growing up so freaking fast! As sad as it makes me that her first year is flying by, I am sooooo excited to see what happens next. :)

More to come soon!