Monday, January 7, 2013

Run Pee: An Essential App for Pregger Ladies

My co-worker's wife just had a little pumpkin in September and as I was complaining to him about how much seeing movies sucks when you are pregnant and have to hold it for 2 1/2 hours (Thanks.. The Hobbit), he told me about this great APP called:

This APP is freakin awesome! It tells you the best times to run to the restroom at the movies based on times in the movies like running scenes where nothing happens or scenes that aren't essential to the main plot, gives you a synopsis for the parts that you miss and it even has a timer that you can start on your phone the moment the movie studio logos start popping up at the theater that alerts you when to head to the potty!
Well, Amanda and I went to see D'Jango Unchained on Saturday night at the Capitol Theater (GO to this theater Clevelanders! It's awesome! You can even order beer there! Which of course on Saturday I did not...Boo...) and we used the Run Pee App for the first time!
The App provided us with a Synopsis for the 4 minutes we missed while we ran to the potty and nothing we missed was essential to the plot or made us feel like we missed out on anything in the movie.
At Last....I can enjoy my Sierra Mist in peace and not worry about taking TOO MANY sips.
D'Jango Unchained was AMAZE. BALLS.
If you're a fan of Tarantino's work, this is his funniest film yet!

It is violent but in our opinion, the violence was used to serve the humor, express the injustice & atrocities of slavery in the South in the 1860's and...because it's Tarantino, to serve up a steaming hot plate of Revenge on the bad guys committing the injustice!
 I love it when Tarantino gets the bad guys. He never disappoints!


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