Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6 months old!!!

I can't believe how fast that went by! She is half a year old!

Soon she won't be a baby anymore....

6 months has brought a lot of excitement (or shenanigans depending on how you look at it):


1.She Scoots She Scores!
(which has become problematic when Mommy is trying to put her makeup on in the morning....)
This means crawling and walking can't be far away! Yikes! We should probably start baby proofing....
2. She likes to eat eat ay-ples and ba-nay-nays! (actually just bananas so far but I still wanted to include a Raffi shout out) 
Here is what happened when we tried bananas. Watch her adorable!
The solid food thing was going awesome for awhile. I made everything from fresh organic produce and froze little cute cubes and cleaned out a special drawer for her bibs...
See! Look at my perdy homemade baby food:

I was SUPER proud of myself.
3. She got freakin sick again!
At first we thought Juliet was just having a few off days when she didn't want her food and needed a little extra cuddle time.
Eventually, every time we tried to give her solid food (rice or her beloved bananas) she made a gag sound and cried. Then she would only take about 4oz of her normal 6oz feedings, cried while taking her bottle (we thought from teething pain) had some diarrhea, woke up for nightly feedings again and constantly wanted to be held.
We thought all of this was teething? Apparently teething can cause wacky symptoms like this and as she had been sick 3 times in June we really didn't think she could be sick again...

But we still called the doctor and asked. They thought it was teething too, but said that if it lasted another 2 days to bring her in.
And after 2 more days of the same symptoms, Steve took her to the doctor. There were no signs of ear infection, sore throat or fever, but they gave us some antibiotics because apparently a nasty stomach virus had been "going around".

This is the part about medical science that really sucks. They were essentially telling us "We don't know what's wrong with your kid, but here's some medicine".

After 4 days of amoxocilin, our little lady is finally back to normal! We even saw results a few hours after she had her first dose, it was amazing.

Sooo...all in all June & July have been rather eventful months at the Beyer house. We are sort of looking forward to a nice, calm and ill-ness free August....

Fingers Crossies!

In the's time to get back on track with the exploration of solid food.

But please Juliet, don't spit out the $2 Organic Avocado again! It makes Mommy cry.



P.S. Apples & Bananas is totally stuck in your head now isn't it? Muuuhahahaaaaaa!

Some more pictures from this month :)

Happy 4th of July!
Wash on "gentle cycle"
First Pony-tail! more video! JP's first trip to the beach!!

Hi Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. I have a deep fear of sick babies. Poor Juliet and poor mommy and daddy.
