Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August Appt. & Adventures in Aqua Jogging

We went to see the Doc yesterday. Everything was "all good in the hood" with Peanut. His heart rate was if you are going by the "Heart Rate Gender Predictor" we previously posted...the last two times Peanut was a girl and yesterday he was a boy...... hmmmmm. :)

As far as I go, I am starting to shake a lot of the First Trimester blues. I am no longer queasy and I have some energy back. Although I now have swollen ankles.

But, as long as they refrain from becoming "Cankles" I'm down with dat.

Please Observe. This is an Anti-Cankle Zone!

 Yesterday I also tried an Aqua Jog class with my good friend Amanda. It was an decent class for Peanut and the water made me feel better. 

AND I kicked everyone's a** in kick boarding! Wha-WHAT!

I mean everyone was at least 20 years older than me...... but after those 15 years of swim team...I should've been doing well eh?

But, it wasn't challenging enough so I think I am moving up the chain to Splash Aerobics instead.


Our instructor (Yo Teach) was a bit ridiculous........

He looked like he was more qualified in Cheese Sizzle Selection at the County Fair then an expert at Aqua Jogging....

And the look on his face was as though our class had rudely interrupted his "Snooki & J Wow" special time...

(This left me wondering...could I teach an Aqua Jog class?)

He basically sat on a bench on the side of the pool and softly ( ME: "WHAT???") said the instructions for the moves.

But most importantly....he didn't laugh at my jokes.


Yo Teach: "Ma'am you are jogging backwards"

ME: (WHAT? Ma'am? I'm 29!) "Hahahaa Whoopsey! The baby steals all my brain cells!"

-Several Ladies in Swim Suit Skirts around me Giggle-

Yo Teach: Deadpan stare.


At one point I was supposed to be rocking my legs back and forth and somehow due to Peanut's constant disruption of my balance I was accidentally doing circles and Yo Teach said:

"Girl You Crazy!"

I smiled and started laughing and thought "Maybe there is hope for humor"....


No. Smile.


Maybe someone stole his Cheese Sizzle?

I solemnly pledge to NEVER wear a Swim Suit with a skirt.


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