Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6 months old!!!

I can't believe how fast that went by! She is half a year old!

Soon she won't be a baby anymore....

6 months has brought a lot of excitement (or shenanigans depending on how you look at it):


1.She Scoots She Scores!
(which has become problematic when Mommy is trying to put her makeup on in the morning....)
This means crawling and walking can't be far away! Yikes! We should probably start baby proofing....
2. She likes to eat eat ay-ples and ba-nay-nays! (actually just bananas so far but I still wanted to include a Raffi shout out) 
Here is what happened when we tried bananas. Watch her adorable!
The solid food thing was going awesome for awhile. I made everything from fresh organic produce and froze little cute cubes and cleaned out a special drawer for her bibs...
See! Look at my perdy homemade baby food:

I was SUPER proud of myself.
3. She got freakin sick again!
At first we thought Juliet was just having a few off days when she didn't want her food and needed a little extra cuddle time.
Eventually, every time we tried to give her solid food (rice or her beloved bananas) she made a gag sound and cried. Then she would only take about 4oz of her normal 6oz feedings, cried while taking her bottle (we thought from teething pain) had some diarrhea, woke up for nightly feedings again and constantly wanted to be held.
We thought all of this was teething? Apparently teething can cause wacky symptoms like this and as she had been sick 3 times in June we really didn't think she could be sick again...

But we still called the doctor and asked. They thought it was teething too, but said that if it lasted another 2 days to bring her in.
And after 2 more days of the same symptoms, Steve took her to the doctor. There were no signs of ear infection, sore throat or fever, but they gave us some antibiotics because apparently a nasty stomach virus had been "going around".

This is the part about medical science that really sucks. They were essentially telling us "We don't know what's wrong with your kid, but here's some medicine".

After 4 days of amoxocilin, our little lady is finally back to normal! We even saw results a few hours after she had her first dose, it was amazing.

Sooo...all in all June & July have been rather eventful months at the Beyer house. We are sort of looking forward to a nice, calm and ill-ness free August....

Fingers Crossies!

In the's time to get back on track with the exploration of solid food.

But please Juliet, don't spit out the $2 Organic Avocado again! It makes Mommy cry.



P.S. Apples & Bananas is totally stuck in your head now isn't it? Muuuhahahaaaaaa!

Some more pictures from this month :)

Happy 4th of July!
Wash on "gentle cycle"
First Pony-tail! more video! JP's first trip to the beach!!

Hi Daddy!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Aunt Bitty's Bridal Shower

My Sister Brittney (Bitty) is getting married this September and I couldn't be more excited to help her celebrate with her fiance Jarrod!
Their colors are teal & marigold and they are having a rustic-themed wedding.
Brittney's shower was Sunday June 30th and as I'm the M.O.H I took my duties VERY seriously and lended my skills as an extreme crafter, pastry chef, florist, d.j. (yep made a playlist), decorator & event coordinator.
This is all the crap I made:
 Chalkboard Sign:
Monogram "N" for their last name wrapped in teal yarn (took fo-ev-a!) and burlap flowers:
Rustic Wooden Pallet Board. I stained the board with a combo of antiquing glaze & espresso stain then added twine, wooden clips, photos of Bitty & Jarrod, lace doilies and a burlap flower:
Twine Wrapped wine bottles (approximately 20 glue sticks sacrificed themselves for these), burlap & lace mason jars, teal/yellow jars (dyed by Brittney's wonderful friend Jen)& wildflower floral centerpieces:
Cake Pops in teal, yellow, dark chocolate & white chocolate
3 kinds of cupcakes:
Lemon with lemon curd & Lemon Swiss Meringue Buttercream
White Almond Cake strawberry puree & Almond Swiss Meringue Buttercream
Vanilla Bean Cupcake chocolate ganache & Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream
"Gettin Hitched" Burlap Banner
"Bride" Burlap Banner
BUT...I couldn't have done it all without the help of...
Steve...he made all of the cupcake fillings, helped play with JP, drove the cake pops to us when we forgot them, cleaned up after all of my messes and kept me calm! Love you honey! You are the Best!
My Mom...! She booked the venue and handled the catering, got Brittney's corsage, and took care of Juliet numerous times while I hot glued, cooked and arranged flowers etc.
Aunt Cindy for making delicious & gorgeous teal & yellow sugar cookies!
Brittney's good buddies: Amy, Jen & Michelle! They filled cupcakes, arranged flowers, dyed mason jars, provided the pallet board, setup the shower, took down the shower, played with Juliet and provided moral support lol. Love you Ladies!
Last, but not least, thanks to Kristin of The Crafty Giant who again took gorgeous pictures of our family and friends on Brittney's special day.
Aren't the photos gorgeous?
So here's some more:
The Beautiful Bride
 Me & my smiling little lady:
  The adorable couple:

Congratulations Brittney & Jarrod! We can't wait to celebrate more with you in September!

I'm bout ta tear it up on the dance floor fo sho!

Yep I typed fo sho. Wha-what!?

I'm Awesome.
Love to you and my blog peeps!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ripping Paper with Grandma Beyer

Get ready for some adorable hilarious-ness!

Here is what happens when Grandma Beyer rips paper for Juliet....


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mr. Sandman bring us a dream...PLEASE!

A month ago our lovely little girl stopped sleeping through the night. It all started with a bacterial infection...

JP didn't feel well so she wanted Mommy & Daddy to snuggle her. Since I roll around the bed at night, Steve put her in the crook of his arm and slept with her in the 2nd bedroom.

Snuggles with Daddy

Completely understandable right? She was sick and we had to comfort our lady.

Yes. Except it didn't end there....

Suddenly she finished her antibiotics and was feeling better but she was used to being held and had enjoyed snuggling with Daddy for 8 days.

That had to go. So we dealt with a few nights that were pretty bad, but eventually she started to sleep on her own in her crib again.

But then the following parade of happenstances occurred...
  • She caught a cold and felt yucky again
  • After no nightly feedings for 3 months she was hungry again at 2am!
  • She caught a fever...poor baby


She has recovered from her latest illness, but she wakes up 6-7 times a night for (we think) one of the following reasons: she's hungry, dropped her pacifier, uncomfortable, teething or has gas.

Or she's mad at us for denying her the pleasure of eating her washcloth. If so, she must be feeling awfully saucy about it!

Stuff we've tried:
  • "CIO" Otherwise known as "Cry It Out" which isn't working out so hot... She just cries harder!
  • Trying to get more food into her before she goes to bed. BUT, sometimes she just won't take a bottle or eat any more rice cereal.
  • Switching her position by putting her on her side, stomach, or back...she seems to be enjoying all 3 during different times of the night depending on her mood. She's sort of turned her crib into a dance party by rolling to and fro all over!

I guess it's time to try something new.

I have some ideas:

If anyone else has any additional suggestions please leave them in the comments section!

My tired eyes will love you for it.

In the meantime.....

TGF Coffee!

And um Shark Week paraphernalia in general....which is awesome.



Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Blues

Being a working Mom, I miss Juliet the most on Mondays.

After a weekend of seeing her all day and night, it gets a bit hard to go several hours without a JP Hug.

I usually end up creeping my own Facebook page looking at pictures of her to perk myself back up.

Or it's always a good time to change my desktop background to a new pic of my little lady.

Here's some new ones from this weekend.

Yep. LOL
Big girl in the high chair!

Smooch from Uncle Jon!

Mommy Hugs.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I feel a bit better now. ;)