Yesterday we had our 34 week Ultrasound.
The Doc said Peanut looks great weighing in at 4lbs 12 oz which is nice and normal for 34 weeks. :)
Here are some pictures:
The Doctor also said he can see that Peanut has lots of hair! Probably getting that from his (or her) fuzzy Daddy Steve. :)
The Ultrasound Doc also tried to tempt us into discovering whether or not Peanut is a boy or a girl...but Steve and I stayed strong. We still don't know...and this could be the last ultra-sound so I hope everyone that bet against us being able to wait is ready to pay up! :)
You's gonna lose....
"Peanut's Dress Rehearsal" or "The Scary Hospital Adventure":
We had an very eventful weekend that I'd like now to refer to as "Peanut's Dress Rehearsal" because we spent 28 hours in the hospital I'll deliver at surrounded by all our family (and friends via Facetime):
Last week I was having lots of headaches so I called my Doctor and she said I needed to come in ASAP so they could check my blood pressure and monitor Peanut. My blood pressure was high and they couldn't get a great read on Peanut's activity so I was sent to the hospital for further testing where they have more efficient fetal monitoring equipment.
The nurses got a great read on Peanut said how much they LOVED our baby because Peanut was super active on the fetal monitors, but my blood pressure continued to climb so they decided to admit me to the hospital for additional testing.
This news scared me lots and the fear made my blood pressure sky rocket, so the nurses had to give me IV blood pressure medication and steroid shots to help Peanut's lungs develop (in case my condition turned out to be preeclampsia or toxemia which would have meant bed rest and possibly delivering Peanut early).
The Doctor then put me on daily blood pressure medication and it came down enough that they let me go home Saturday night. However, I was still super worried as I didn't have the final test results showing that I didn't have preeclampsia or toxemia and had to stay home from work until we had the results and talked to our Doctor.
My Doc called me Monday morning and gave me the great news that it wasn't preeclampsia or toxemia but that I had hypertension (or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure). Apparently it is very common for first time Moms to develop this late in pregnancy. I could go back to work and resume most of my activities but I have to take my medication and TAKE IT EASY! It also means that my Doc will not let me go past 39 or 40 weeks so if Peanut does not come before then, I will be induced. :(
My sister made a good point, she said it was Peanut's way of saying: "Hey Mom! You need to SLOW DOWN DAMMIT!"
So now, I'm trying to finish up our last preparations for getting ready for Peanut because then I'll be able to relax more and feel more confident about welcoming our little precious Peanut in a state of calmness and relaxation.
Steve and I are so lucky that Peanut and I are doing well.
We are also SUPER blessed by all the people we have in our lives that reached out to us and sent love and prayers our way over the past weekend.
Peanut will never feel lonely or un-loved EVER!
There are WAY too many people that are so amazing to us! And we really appreciate EVERY single one of you!
We love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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