Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Turkey Day

JP's first Thanksgiving was AWESOME!

Except for the fact that she didn't sleep much AT ALL the night before....
I think she was a little confused spending the night with us at Nana & Grandpa's house. 
Steve and I needed A LOT of caffeine on Thanksgiving...
It was great fun visiting with everyone especially my brother Jon (Uncle Schmoo) who was home for the holiday (he lives in Charlotte ).
JP loves her Uncle Schmoo:

Turkey lurkey dee and turkey lurkey dat:

I eat that Turkey then I take a nap:

Then I watch OSU beat Michigan's a**:

Here's a special Thanksgiving message from JP to her Uncles Jarrod & Chris (aka stinky Michigan fans):

I LOVEEEEEEE TURKEY on Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!
Aunt Bitty, Uncle Schmoo, Mommy, Daddy & Zombie JP

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What is the Worst Thing You Ever Heard Your Mommy Say?

Heheheheeeeeeeeeeee LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Jimmy Kimmel you rascal you!!

Friday, November 22, 2013


I just realized I never posted JP's 9 month pictures on the blog!!!!!!!!!!


However, this might be why.

I checked and this is the only one....I found....


These pictures are pretty bad.
So as you can see it is SUPER TOUGH to get good pictures of our little mobile lady.
This one was kinda better....
The same day we also took this one as she was walking around a ton by then.
Ahhh Memories. Well at least they made it onto our Facebook pages back in October. Because nothing's offical until it's on Facebook right???!!!???
Where's the "World's Best Mom Award?" It TOTALLY belongs over here! NOT.
**Pictures originally dated 10/20/13. Thanks for the timestamp Facebook!!


JP turned 10 months this week!!

OMG I cannot believe that she is only 2 months away from her first birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My little baby is growing up soo freakin fast! Sniff Sniff......

JP Updates:

Her first tooth came in officially on November 7th!! After months of teething we finally saw evidence of JP's first chomper. However one down....lots more to go! Crap.

JP waives "Hello" and "Bye-Bye" now.

JP hugs whatever she is holding when you say for example, "Juliet, do you love-y the lamb?" or "Juliet do you love-y Mommy?"

JP was a cutesy Lady Bug for Halloween. But, she was pretty miserable the entire night. Teething like terrible and was super depressed she couldn't Trick or Treat because the weather was horrendous!

JP LOVES to play Peek-A-Boo! Here's a cute video of her doing it crawling. It is also fun with a blankie (she hides behind).

And here's another cute video from this month:

Haha Banana Nose!

10 month pictures!

But can I just say taking pictures of JP now SOOOOOKS!!!

JP started walking at 8 months, so of course all she wants to do is walk, climb or crawl around. She HATES sitting still for pictures

So after a lot of this...
"GET BACK here KID!"
 We had to "drug" her with You Tube.
Oh You Tube how I love thee!!!

Here are some more of my Favorite pictures from this month:
 Babu (JP nickname) out at a fancy dinner with my family for my birthday (my birthday is 12/23 so we decided to celebrate early this year as my birthday SOOKS bc it is so close to XMAS).

Playing the "I'm supposed to go to bed right now Mom? BC I'm totally not going to!" Game:
Hanging at the Park with Grandma:
 Snuggling with her Cousins Megan & May.

Megan takes amazing care of Babu on Thursdays.
We LOVE her!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


So...last week I had planned several new blog posts because Juliet had hit 2 rather large milestones: crawling & her first steps! Each were so exciting that I felt they deserved separate blog posts. So I started some drafts and planned on finishing them before last Friday.


Juliet contracted a Rash that scared the be-jesus out of us, turned my focus elsewhere and surprisingly, the blog was not updated.


We spent the entire weekend away from home and were super busy so alas the blog suffered again.


During this time, Juliet continued to impress us with additional changes like waiving, clapping and enjoying her first meatball!


This post is now a (say this in your best WWE announcer voice)... 


Milestone Break-down:

Juliet crawled officially for the first time Sunday 9/29.
Please enjoy my extremely subtle Downton Abbey reference as I celebrate this momentous occasion:
 And, because Juliet is obviously a genius and a bit of a show-off....this is what she did at Grandma's house Monday 9/30:

Capturing this on photo or video is still alluding us. Our normally outgoing girl is being particularly shy regarding this issue and seems to know everytime I try to catch this on camera. But, trust me, it's happening....it's really happening.
To keep us on our toes, Juliet started clapping at KSU Homecoming over the weekend.
 HOLY SCHNIKES! I mean, of all places to start clapping????!!!

She's so freakin AWESOME!!!!!!
 Again I have no photo (BOO KRISTA!). But, I can tell you it was SUPER AWESOME! I got home from spinning last night and was enjoying my delicious Skinnytaste Crock Pot Italian Turkey Meatballs on on the couch (I was being careful Mom!! ;) ). And Juliet, having already been fed pears and carrots by Daddy started to climb onto to me trying to attack my delicious dish. So I thought, "Well...she is 9 months next week and at 9 months she can have dairy and pretty much almost anything else..so why not? Let's see what happens..." and so I gave her a spoonful of meatball and ricotta.

WELL....of course she LOVED it! She's Italian!
This of course led to me Facetiming Nana and singing "On top of Spaghetti" to Juliet.

Because...why wouldn't you?
P.S. I found this...heheheheeee

Friday, October 4, 2013

You have a RASH?

This is sorta how I'd look like trying to explain what happened over the last 24 hours.
"You have a RASH?"


I didn't have a rash, but my little pumpkin JP did.
And man, was it a scary rash!


Once we discovered the rash, we rushed her to the pediatrician.
The pediatrician didn't do too much except to tell us that it was probably an allergic reaction to either food or the amoxicillin she was on (JP was taking it for an earache last week) and that we should make an appointment to see an allergy specialist as soon as possible. They told us she would probably need bloodwork to test for allergies.
We were terrified.
Food allergies can be horrible especially for little kiddies.
And then the rash got a bit worse.
First that rash be like:
Then it be like:
We made an appointment for the following day to see a Doctor downtown at the Cleveland Clinic. Apparently the downtown location is the only location that does allergy testing for allergies to medications (such as amoxicillin). I'm not the hugest fan of taking appointments there because the complex is huge, maps are confusing and you have to pay to park in one of the massive parking garages which means you should probably add on about 15 minutes to your commute time to find a parking spot and then find your doctor's office within the complex.
I digress...
We saw the allergy specialist, he took a look at Juliet's rash and told us right away that it was not a food allergy.
He said that it could be a delayed reaction to the amoxicillin she has been on for several days (FYI this is the 2nd time she has had amoxicillin. She had it back in June with no reaction) or a reaction to the virus she had that the amoxicillin was treating her for or a combination of the virus and the amoxicillin.
Basically, again the doctors just don't know why these sorts of rashes happen but he thought it was extremely unlikely that it was a reaction to the medication, so no allergy tests were ordered.
The doc gave us a prescription for a medication that MIGHT help if the rash didn't go away in a few days. But again, they weren't sure that would help either.  Doc also said that the rash could last a few days or weeks and would not be a cause for concern without any additional side effects.
Comforting eh? It SOOKS when a Doc tells you "Sorry GIRL I just don't know!". REALLY?
Little Lady woke up this morning and almost the entire rash was gone, she was giggling away & seems extremely happy.
So...now I think things are pretty good since this fluke rash is gone. 
**Sigh of relief.**
But I wouldn't say no to a very tall glass of Cabernet and about 3lbs (ok ok 6lbs lol jk) of chocolate tonight.
Mommy needs her treatment too.

Hopefully no more sick Babu for awhile!! It's no fun. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

8 months!!!

Ok so September has been...
There are so many things to update the blog on that I'm going to have to break them all up into several mini-posts!
This Post is...
 Juliet's 8 month pictures!!!!
As you can see someone (ahem JP) can no longer still "model still" which results in truly amazing photos!

(Ok this one is pretty freakin cute)
 P.S. We tried on 2 separate occasions to get a good shot. As you can see it REALLY payed off! ;)
Needless to say I'm a bit nervous (to say the least) about her 9 month photo shoot coming up this weekend.
We might have to pack the duck tape and tape her bottom (heee bottom) to the floor.
More updates coming!

P.S. Heheheeeeeee BOTTOM:


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to legally hypnotize your baby

I'm convinced that this video is 100% bonda-fide Baby Crack and has the power to hypnotize all babies!!
A friend of mine told me that no matter how fussy his daughter gets (who is 4 months older than JP) if he plays this video for her she calms right down immediately.
Say WHAT?!
I have to admit I was a bit skeptical...
But I thought "What the hey? Juliet has been a bit fussy this week..it's worth a shot..."

And sure enough....

It worked like a freakin charm!

I couldn't believe it!

When have YOU EVER seen a 7 month old sit and stare at something for almost 3 whole minutes! It's insane!!!

The proof is in the 265 MILLION views it has on You Tube and if that doesn't convince you of this video's mysterious power, below is a video of JP watching it:

Seriously. Try this on your baby. Enjoy the delightful effects.

But, be careful....the SCI-FI nerd in me is a bit worried that the video has government subliminal messaging in it.

You never know...

If we aren't careful we could have a "River Situation" on our hands.....like in Firefly & Serenity...

Duhhhh Daaaaaaaaaaaaa Duhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Walk like a JP!

So...there is no lack of content this week!!! Jeez!
We thought it was a big deal when JP pulled herself up in her crib last night.
Here she is showing off at Grandma's like usual! LOL


Bat Dad!!!!!!!!!!

 Are you ready for the funniest Vine videos you've ever seen??
 Well...here's "Bat Dad" a father of four fighting crime, the bus & protecting loved ones from artificial sweeteners. LMAO!!
Below are my favorites. Click top left for sound.

"Tables are for Glasses, not asses!!!"



Guess who can pull herself up?
Time to lower the crib.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to get hit on while pregnant! LOL!!!

These videos are hilarious and SO TRUE!!!
So sad I didn't try this while I was preggers with Babu! But it's a go with Baby #2!
hehehe I rhymed.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Under the SEA!!!

Here are the pictures from Juliet's 6 month photo shoot by Bella Mi Photography!
We shot these at Rocky River Park in Rocky River, Ohio. Our little mermaid was a great sport during the shoot. I'm thinking it was because she had as much delicious sand as she could ever eat... A.K.A it was REALLY hard to get her to quit eating the dang sand...
But anyschways...
My favorite Disney movie ever is The Little Mermaid so we thought it was only fitting to grab our own little mermaid, pack up Flounder & Sebastian and head to the beach!

Our awesome friend Kristin from The Crafty Giant made her mermaid outfit with a pattern by Boutique7one7 . Didn't it turn out amazing??

I'm told these mermaid shots will be extremely appreciated by JP when I play them in her high school graduation slide show...... ;) heheheeeeeee lol

 My Gorgeous Girl!!!
